====== News Turn 3 ====== =====Missing in Action===== Have you seen Koko recently? No? Neither have I. Jordan took him to school yesterday and he hasn't come back. I hope that he's ok. ===== Medical Supplies ===== The raid on the sofa cushions was a great success, and there are now several stashes of stuffing hidden in strategic locations around Jordan's room, for any medics that might need them. =====Playtime===== Jordan is more subdued than normal when they get back from school - especially when Dad says they have to do their homework before they can play - but when they do come upstairs for playtime, they rapidly cheer up. They're in the middle of a retelling of Sleeping Beauty - with Pretty Princess Penelope playing the eponymous role, and Stuntman Sam as Prince Charming - when they notice the new arrivals. Sleeping Beauty is immediately forgotten, and the toys dropped carelessly on the floor as Jordan runs to investigate. "Tangerine Talon! Welcome back! Strawberry Shadow missed you so much, he's been lonely at the Aviary all by himself. Do you know where the rest of the Avian Alliance are? No? Don't worry, we'll find them! Your friendship can overcome anything!" Tangerine and Shadow are placed carefully back in the Aviary, and Jordan looks over the other new arrivals. Beatrice and the Seer are inspected and acknowledged with a "Cool," but Bleep-Bloop sparks real excitement. "Oh, wow, when did we get Bleep-Bloop?! Fantastic!" They immediately start singing the theme tune to Bleep-Bloop Takes On The Galaxy, swooping the robot around the room. A thought occurs to them, and they yell down the stairs, "Thanks for unpacking more toys, Dad!" The response is hard to make out, but sounds like it might be along the lines of "Can't hear you, I'm cooking!" Jordan plays for a few more minutes, before deciding to go downstairs and watch Bleep-Bloop Takes On The Galaxy with the newly arrived robot until Dad calls them for dinner. =====A New Arrival===== Shortly before Jordan woke up Princess Emerald Glitterrose and The Starwhal can back from their expedition with the birds, and a monster. For some reason one of the Beastfolk is with them, and went to the window to go outside with the birds. But who knows what is going to happen when Dads back. =====Nightmare===== "Good morning kiddo, How are you feeling?" "Dad? Can- can dreams trap you in them so you cant wake up?" "Oh no, Another nightmare?" "I was in bed, but I couldn't move. There were things crawling all over me and I couldn't get rid of them cause I was stuck. And then they started whispering in my ears and singing about how they were going to __get__ me! And at the end I managed to see one out of the corner of my eye and it was a bunch of robot hands crawling around by themselves." =====Poorly Girl===== Loud noises were heard in the night before the battle as Kelly and Dad ran to the bathroom for her to be poorly. This morning Dad called someone to take a "parent day", and school to say Kelly is staying home. =====Scouting Report===== The Eyebles were sent to spy on the beastfolk, and find out what they want. The camps are mostly empty, with the vast majority of the beastfolk out attacking the room - those who are left seem to be crafters, healers, cooks, and others who support the fighters. Much of the chat is focussed around the unity of the groups there - it seems that one of the chiefs, Lyl, has persuaded the others that the toys are enough of a force to be reckoned with that the various camps of beastfolk need to work together, rather than competing for who will attack the room as they did on the first couple nights. Based on some comments by one of the crafters, it seems that Lyl may be the chief with the doll arm that those who ventured under the bed on the second night((i.e. turnsheet 1)) encountered. Those remaining in Lyl's camp seem entirely on board with their chief's newly elevated position, though some of the other camps expressed doubts as to whether their work here was worth it, if the payment would be split between all of them rather than being claimed by the best group. The dissenting voices were quickly hushed, however, by their comrades pointing out that "You're welcome to go and tell Him that you're going home, but I prefer not being horrifically disintegrated thanks." It seems that there is no small measure of fear keeping them here, in addition to the promised payment. Talk then turned to how the payment would be split, given the beastfolk are now working together rather than as several groups - it seems that each of the camps here represents a mercenary group from a different town in their homeland far to the West, and their services have been hired by the inhabitant of the large black tower visible in the North (there seems to be some taboo to referring to him directly, so the eyebles couldn't get a name more specific than "Him"). The exact nature of the expected payment wasn't clear from what the eyebles overheard, but seemed to be some kind of use of magical power that would help bring prosperity to the towns. =====Room Closures===== Kelly's Bedroom, Kitchen.