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Goldie (he/him)

Goldie is an old teddy bear whose once-rich fabric has started to turn beige despite countless machine washes. Grandma and Grandad gifted him to Jordan in the hospital when they were born. He is a toy based on a character in the 'Rainbowland Returns' show. Goldie is the toy that Jordan has to snuggle with to go to sleep every night. On the few occasions over the years where Goldie has been absent from Jordan's bedtime, they had very intense nightmares.

Goldie is generally well-liked by the other toys, he is affable and friendly, but has something of a reputation for having stuffing for brains. It might be a good thing that Jordan snuggles him every night, because it's a very effective way of keeping him out of trouble. Well-intentioned but clumsy, Goldie has a definite knack for causing complications when trying to help.

Raymond Fairweather (he/him)

Raymond is a toy man that is completely attached to an aeroplane. Only his chest, shoulders, and head are visible outside of the wheeled plane. He is an air force pilot model that belongs to Dad's small collection of model vehicles. 'Raymond Fairweather' was printed on the box that he came in, and Jordan kept this name. When Jordan plays with Raymond, he is usually in a serious role shooting and “killing” other toys.

When playtime was over and Jordan was away, Raymond was a major part of the social scene in the toy town. In the old house, he regularly planned and hosted events at the casino whilst Jordan was at school. He was often wheeling up and down the town, inviting toys to his gambling parties. When they moved into the new house, Raymond hosted a party at the intergalactic space saloon for the toys to celebrate. After the monster attack, Raymond complained about having less downtime to have fun. He is vocal about disliking how his playtime role as a fighter is now becoming a reality.

Wayne the Crane (he/they)

Years ago, Mum and Dad got Wayne for Kelly and Jordan from a charity shop. They seem to have been part of a larger construction set that had other character vehicles, and has a cheerful face painted onto a few of their windows. Wayne's experience in building and crafting comes from hundreds of hours of play from other children he that used to belong to, as well as from Jordan and Kelly's play.

Wayne believes that they are a real crane that keeps being moved to other construction sites. Now that he is in a new room, he is eager to help build what he thinks will be a new town. Stationed next to the dollhouse in Jordan's room, Wayne is a consistent friendly face, as he can be seen from almost anywhere in the bedroom. He takes his construction role seriously. They dislike being climbed on by other toys, and Wayne will swing their hook angrily at any toys who tries to do so. Otherwise, he doesn't mind interacting with others. Wayne isn't sure what to make of the monsters, but hopes that they won't destroy what has been constructed of the town so far.

Super Sally (she/her)

Super Sally was constantly advertised on TV by The Fun Corporation a few years ago. Her key features included super flexible joints, spring-powered hips that let her do backflips, and an intricate logo on her suit that really lights up! (Batteries not included.) She was on Jordan's wishlist for a long time. Jordan played with Sally a lot when they first got her, and in their hands she flew high and blinded bad guys. Over time, she got stiffer and her lights got dimmer with wear and tear. It didn't take very long for Jordan to rarely play with her anymore.

Sally was sad to no longer be a main action figure during Jordan's playtime, but instead became the unofficial administrative leader of the toy town in the old house. She enjoyed her everyday role in overseeing the decisions made in the castle and town hall, and had a lot of time to think since she wasn't played with much. Sometimes Sally had wished these decisions mattered more to Jordan. Now that monsters have invaded, she is eager to take on even more responsibility in toy society.

Teddy Chair (she/they)

Teddy Chair is a child-size chair in Jordan's room with a teddy bear's face forming the back rest. Due to her size - larger than many Playsets - they practically count as part of the Town themself. She often forms something of a centre of toy socialisation, because it's a lot easier for the toys to come to her than for her to go to them.

Teddy Chair is too big to fit under the bed or into the wardrobe, so they can't go and fight against the monsters themself, which has caused them a certain amount of guilt in the new house. The best way she's found so far to help out in the nightly attacks is to offer her seat as a mobile platform for building defenses and turrets on, for defending the room.

Fish (he/she/they)

Fish is an imaginary friend of Jordan's who the toys can interact with. In the old house, Fish was hardly around because he would go with Jordan to school. During the move, Jordan started to tell themself that they needed to grow up more, and saw themself as getting too old for an imaginary friend. Fish stayed home a lot more often and occasionally appeared to the toys during the day. They seem to be a mixture between a rabbit, a dragon, and a fish: with long, fluffy ears along with frills and gills on their head. He also has a few spines sticking out of his back, and their 'skin' seems like a patchwork of fur dotted with scales.

Not much else is known about Fish since the toys have only been getting to know him very recently. Fish seems to exist in a form that is similar to how the monsters exist, but she was not part of the attack the other night. A few of the toys hope to befriend Fish and learn more about the monsters by doing so.

Mimble Marble (he/him)

Mimble Marble is a dashboard wobble figurine rescued from Mum's car. His solar powered nature means he spends equal amounts of time in the window charging as in the cupboard. He is not a very played with toy and is fine with that, not wanting to go back to the lonely days of the driveway.

Mimble spends most of his days alone meditating and nights teaching dance and helping people stay hopeful against the darkness. Ever the optimist, he believes self-reflection and dedicated “me time” is important in every toy's life, and encourages others to find the self outside of playtime.

Eyebles (it for individuals, they for the group)

The eyebles are a set of marbles, each with an eye suspended in it in such a way that it always faces the same direction, and a small smile drawn underneath. They have a knack for turning up in odd cupboards and getting underfoot, which makes them excellent scouts - though their lack of limbs means they can't really do much when they get there.

They're generally curious and helpful, happy to be directed to explore where needed, with a little bit of mischief which tends to manifest in them appearing in places where they're likely to end up underfoot and trip people.