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Turnsheet - @!!CURNS@ - Turn @PAGE@



Daytime Action


@@day_aim|A one sentence OC summary of what you are trying to achieve.@@


@@day_details|A fuller description of your character's plan: please include brief descriptions of what you expect the other characters on the action - if any - to be doing. For GM sanity, please do not go into excessive description or try to achieve several unrelated things, as this may make it harder for the GMs to understand what you are actually trying to do.@@

Relevant Items and Traits


Relevant PCs & NPCs


Nighttime Action


@@night_aim|A one sentence OC summary of what you are trying to achieve.@@


@@night_details|A fuller description of your character's plan: please include brief descriptions of what you expect the other characters on the action - if any - to be doing. For GM sanity, please do not go into excessive description or try to achieve several unrelated things, as this may make it harder for the GMs to understand what you are actually trying to do.@@

Relevant Items and Traits


Relevant PCs & NPCs




Minor Actions
