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Brawn (he/him)- Tom E
A relatively recent gift from Jordan's last Birthday, Brawn the Berzerker is an action figure based on a cartoon series called “Frenzy”. Part of the trend of taking R rated intelectual properties that are totally innapropriate for children, and turning them into a saturday morning cartoons to sell toys to kids. Brawn is a 1 foot tall, Heavily muslced action figure (emphasis on the ACTION) with a very large sword. His slightly Edgy aesthetics lead to him being used to play “the bad guy” in Jordan's games, but everyone knows deep down he's a sweetheart.
Brawn has more or less the personality of his actual character from the cartoon. He cares about his friends, wants to keep them safe, and most importantly, absolutely LOVES fighting monsters, and challenging himself to defeat the most powerful of foes. He may not be one of Jordan's favourite toys, but he more than makes up for it when it comes to dealing with the things that go bump in the night. He is extremely strong, but unfortunately also somewhat fragile as a result of rough play and his tendancy to throw himself into battle without any sense of self preservation. His Trademark “Berzerker Frenzy” is somewhat terrifying to behold, and makes you think “I'm glad he's on our side”.