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Snowy (he/him)
Snowy is an old teddy bear whose once-white fabric has started to turn beige despite countless machine washes. Grandma and Grandad gifted him to Jordan in the hospital when they were born. He is a toy based on a character in the 'Rainbowland Returns' show. Snowy is the toy that Jordan has to snuggle with to go to sleep every night. On the few occasions over the years where Snowy has been absent from Jordan's bedtime, they had very intense nightmares.
Because of this bond between teddy bear and child that has existed since Jordan's birth, Snowy is very protective of Jordan. He would do anything to make sure that Jordan is safe but cannot do any active fighting as if anything should happen to him, the damage to Jordan would be seemingly irreparable. It is even rumoured that Snowy has magical properties that makes Jordan feel better when they are ill.
Snowy's status is respected by the toys because of how much Jordan loves him. However several of the other toys, especially the ones who were handed down to Jordan from Kelly and used to fight monsters, don't like how fragile and cowardly Snowy is. Many of the toys are jealous of Snowy's favourite toy status, and choose not to interact with him much when Jordan is not around.
Snowy generally isn't very talkative due to years of being excluded by toy society but is glad to answer questions about Jordan to help other toys support them.
Raymond Fairweather (he/him)
Raymond is a toy man that is completely attached to an aeroplane. Only his chest, shoulders, and head are visible outside of the plane. He is an air force pilot model that belongs to Dad's small collection of model vehicles, and Jordan kept the name that was on the box he came in.
Raymond is an adventurer at heart, as he used to fight monsters under the bed and in the cupboards and has seen almost all of the rooms in the new house. He knows where many of the monsters spawn from, and some battle tactics which are effective against a few monster types. Although Raymond's active adventuring days are behind him, as his plastic is old and is now fragile, he enjoys sharing his knowledge and experience with other toys and is invested in Jordan's safety.
Wayne the Crane (he/they)
Wayne is a toy that Mum and Dad got Kelly and Jordan from a charity shop. They seem to have been part of a larger construction set that had other character vehicles, and has a cheerful face painted onto a few of their windows. Wayne's experience in building and crafting comes from hundreds of hours of play from other children he that used to belong to. They also know a bit about how to fix other toys with methods such as glue and sewing, although he cannot do so himself, since he has seen many broken toys from his previous family.
Stationed next to the dollhouse in Jordan's room, Wayne is a consistent friendly face, as he can be seen from almost anywhere in the bedroom. They dislike being climbed on by other toys, and will swing their hook angrily at any toys who tries to do so, but is otherwise doesn't mind interacting with other toys.
The Seer- a.k.a. Hairuspex (she/they)
The Seer is a hairstyling doll head with brown wavy hair and eyes that have been rubbed out in various coloured markers. They consist of just a shoulders and a head, and she is located in Jordan's room on a shelf above Jordan's bed. The Seer is a hand-me-down from Kelly, and has years of experience with foretelling the mysteries of children's future dreams and nightmares.
The nickname of Hairuspex comes from Kelly's on-and-off Greek and Roman mythology phase that has been going on for about a couple of years. (Kelly's delving into rabbit holes about haruspexes and other ancient mysteries on the Internet may or may not have rubbed off on the toys…) The Seer can see bits of what is going to come up in Jordan's mind that night, and can tell other toys what to anticipate.
Edbert Hoover (they/them)
Edbert is a toy hoover with a painted face on that resembles their real counterparts' large eyes and wide smile. They have an orange body and a fairly-long black hose. However, Edbert is only about half the size of practical hoover. Once they were regularly being taken into most rooms by an enthusiastic Jordan, who pretended that they were hoovering like Mum and Dad. Now, as Jordan is getting older, Mum and Dad have started to give them more chores to do. So Jordan doesn't want to pretend that they are hoovering on top of doing more work around the house.
Edbert is a bit jaded that they cannot go out and explore anymore the way they feel like they're meant to. Sometimes they are reluctant to share tips that are helpful to scouts. For example, how to make maps of various rooms, or how to determine which new items that scouts come across might be useful resources for crafters. However, they enjoy gossip and finding out new details about Jordan and the rest of the family. When Edbert is in a bad mood, they can be encouraged into helping the scouts with a tidbit of information.
Fuzzyglug (he/she/they)
Fuzzyglug is an imaginary friend of Jordan's who the toys can interact with. She appears to be a mixture between a rabbit, a dragon, and a fish: with long, fluffy ears along with frills and gills on her head. He also has a few spines sticking out of his back, and their 'skin' seems like a patchwork of fur dotted with scales. Fuzzyglug is as cantankerous and grumpy as they are mysterious and fickle. He doesn't believe the toys are real and mostly talks to them out of boredom.