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Turnsheet Submission Form

This form can be used to submit your turnsheet, provided you are logged in.

Guidance for what you can do with each action is on the turnsheeting page.

Edits are not possible via this form - they must be done be editing the turnsheet page directly, which is linked on your userpage. Alternatively, deleting everything on the page when editing your turnsheet will allow you to resubmit via the form.


For the large text boxes, any wiki syntax will display on the turnsheet produced. In particular:

  • Please leave a blank line between paragraphs, or they will merge into each other when the form is submitted.
  • To do bullet points, start each line with two spaces and an asterisk(*).
  • Leaving any kind of unclosed formatting tag (e.g. ** , __, or // without a matching tag to end it) will break the formatting of later bits of the turnsheet.

The Form

Basic Info

Please check that you are submitting for the correct turnsheet number.

If you wish to edit your turnsheet, you must do so by editing that page directly, via the link on your userpage.

Daytime Action

During the day, the monsters aren't around (except in the attic), but the humans are awake - there will be some places which are not accessible each turn, due to humans being present in the room, as indicated in the news.

A one sentence OC summary of what you are trying to achieve.

A fuller description of your character's plan: please include brief descriptions of what you expect the other characters on the action - if any - to be doing. For GM sanity, please do not go into excessive description or try to achieve several unrelated things, as this may make it harder for the GMs to understand what you are actually trying to do.

Night Action

At night, the monsters will attack the bedroom, and the toys have free roam of the house while people are asleep.

A one sentence OC summary of what you are trying to achieve.

A fuller description of your character's plan: please include brief descriptions of what you expect the other characters on the action - if any - to be doing. For GM sanity, please do not go into excessive description or try to achieve several unrelated things, as this may make it harder for the GMs to understand what you are actually trying to do.

Other Things

A list of items you are giving to other characters (or have given in session/emails), and items you are expecting to receive from other characters this turn.

Any minor actions you are doing this turn.

turnsheet_form.1736696716.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/01/12 15:45 by gm_mike