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News Turn 2
After returning from Burger Buddy's Playtime Arcade, Jordan spends some time in the evening playing Dinosaur Rumble Jungle. A game where the good guys have to beat a dinosaur owning bad guy and free all of the prisoners before they become dinner. While setting up the bad guys' side, Jordan notices the ridge on Brawn's arm where it was reattached, but shrugs it off off quickly as Brawn is jammed on top of a triceratops. Not so easily ignored is Team Hero, where the tiny holes and evil-smelling moth residue on Princess Emerald result in Dad being called for with the air freshener. Fortunately, it looks like the combination of Zeep's hard work and a number of toys being left on the shelves for playtime (so as to be in “fridge jail”) has meant that some of the more grievous injuries from last night are yet to be noticed.
Scouting Report
Come the morning, the Eyebles are back from under the bed. They report a primordial forest, with enormous trees blotting out the sky. Inhabiting the forest are what they describe as looking like “robot dinosaurs, but made out of, like, wood and vines and stuff”. These creatures are apparently territorial and aggressive, and are capable of significant violence. They report seeing a hunting party of beastfolk enter the forest from the plains, and manage to take down one of the smaller beasts, before having to flee for their lives when a larger beast stumbled across them and took exception to their presence.
The eyebles also report a disconcerting feeling, as if someone was watching them - several of them are quite grumpy about this, as they seem to feel they should be the ones doing the watching, not being watched. Try as they might, though, they couldn't work out where this feeling was coming from, and eventually had to retreat to return to Jordan's bedroom before morning.
“Daaaaddd! Daaaaddd!”
“Hey, Jordan, it’s late – or, uh, early. Didn’t we want to get a good nights rest for tomorrow?”
“No, no, I don’t want to go to school. It’s going to be strange, and I’m going to get lost, and everyone’s going to be mean.”
“No, they won’t, kiddo, it’s going to be great. Let’s just go back to bed.”
“I can’t, I need to practice saying a fun fact about myself or I’m going to mess it up in front of everyone.”
“They probably won’t even ask you for a – it’s going to be alright. Just take some deep breaths, and try and get some sleep.”
“I can’t dad!”
No Way Home
Those in the bedroom overnight will have noticed that the link to Under the Bed was broken when Jordan woke up from the nightmare - with the expedition to the swamp still inside. They reappeared an hour or so later, when Jordan had settled back to sleep.
Jordan had a lot of trouble getting up on time for school this morning. They were very tired, and didn't want to get out of bed, likely a consequence of their disrupted sleep last night.
Rooms in Use
It's a school day today. Jordan and Kelly are both at school, and Dad will be in the office all day. All rooms other than the office are available during the day.